Once upon a time there was a beautiful,young princess named Nade. Every man in the kingdom wanted to marry her,the stories about her beautiful green eyes and chocolate,curly hair entered in the houses of every person in the magical land. Princess Nade lived in the prettiest castle in the entire kingdom that was placed right in the middle of it.
Right next to this castle there was a village where a certain Prince-Charming lived. He was one of the king`s best guards,a hard-working boy at his age and desired by many.
He met Princess Nade while he was training with the other guards in the castle`s garden. She was picking up flowers and when she raised her head and the sunlight hit her face,Prince Charming`s heart stood still for a moment,he fell in love in an instant just like a spell was cast over him,the only words that he could mute were:"I have to meet her!" And he did. He followed her every footstep from a distance until with the help of a friend he finally gained the courage to go and talk to her.
Princess Nade knew she was followed everywhere,but this time it was different...even if she didn`t know the handsome man, she could see in his eyes that he wasn`t going to harm her.The mystery that surrounded him attracted her and when Lola told her that he wanted to meet with her, her heart twisted and she could wait no more until she talked with him.
They met at midnight in the same place that Prince Charming saw her first time.It was like they knew each other forever,he started to tell her his whole life and she listened in silence admiring his beautiful sparkly eyes in the moonlight.
The period that followed was a magical one,they couldn`t stay apart from each other, they laughed and talked and nobody could take them from their happy bubble.
Until the king announced Prince Charming that he is to go to war as the enemy forces attacked them.
It was like the Earth split in two,the Princess begged her father to let him stay,guard the castle,but the kind was decided...Prince Charming was the best of his warriors and his help was needed in the battlefield.
They said goodbye in tears with promises that their love won`t fade away despite the distance.
Many time has past and Princess Nade still missed her beloved Prince Charming even if he never sent a letter or a sol to the palace to let her know how it is or just to say he missed her and loved her dearly.
The king got used to the Princess` moods and cries in the night but he also knew that if he didn`t marry her soon, he won`t have a heir to the throne and he couldn`t wait until the war is over and Prince Charming to come back from the battle,he had to do something for his kingdom.
Not far from the castle,in an old,dark cottage, there lived a malicious Ogre who found out about the intentions of the kind and decided to go and take a chance in winning the king`s appreciation.
The kind was skeptic at first, the person in front of him was mysterious and suspicious, but he knew that this was his only chance to save his kingdom so he agreed for the Ogre to be his daughter`s husband.
Princess Nade was upset at first and furious at his father that he has done this,but the Ogre turned up to be not so bad.He was kind and for the first time in a while she smiled again and didn`t feel as much pain in her heart as she used to.
"-Prince Charming is never coming back,he probably found another princess to love and have forgotten everything about me", she thought to herself.Little she knew that Prince Charming was actually thinking about her and the moment when he will see her again every day,but the battle kept him occupied all this time,the enemies were stronger than he imagined.But the ending was not far though,they over-numbered the enemy soldiers now and the retreat was the only next step for them.
It was supper time at the castle,the spring wind was softly blowing through the window, Princess Nade prepared the Ogre`s favourite dish,as she always did Sundays.They were enjoying their food calmly,smiling at each other from time to time,but little that they knew they were watched closely by two sparkling brown eyes from behind the Princess` favourite oak.Two sparkling eyes that for the first time in many years started crying at the scene in front of them.
"-How could she do that?How could she forget about me so easily like I never existed?I thought she loved me...",those were the words that resonated in Prince Charming`s mind after he had seen the princess with the Ogre.
He didn`t know how he arrived here or when,but he was standing at a table at Woodpecker Inn with a bottle of cider in front of him. He was feeling lost,empty inside....nothing could have prepared him for the scene that he saw a few hours past.
In a dark corner of the inn, Bony-Legs was watching patiently how Prince Charming was drowning more and more into sorrow.
"-I have waited a long time for this.He is perfect!",those were the witch`s words before she cast a spell that made Prince Charming fall in love with her in an instant without him realizing what actually happened.She took him and together they rode into the night.
At the castle, Princess Nade started to feel that the Ogre is not what he used to be.He was avoiding her more and more and the times that he spent with her he was cold and angry.She started thinking about Prince Charming again and how life would have been with him, not with the Ogre that was emptying her soul day by day.
Bony-Legs was enjoying her life with Prince Charming, he was doing everything for her,he was worshiping her.The spell that she cast upon him was the strongest she ever did,but her evil spirit came back to her once more,everything that the prince was doing for her was starting to fade,she became bored and wanted something new.
They arranged a trip to a countryside farm that the witch owned and they went to spend some time alone.
Arthur was young and filled with energy,he spent every moment of his day singing to the horses he took care of and bringing a smile to the faces of everyone that knew him.He had a pure soul and his naive spirit was the one that made him fall in love with Bony Legs.This time she didn`t need a spell,the boy came to her willingly.It was a new feeling,something she had never experienced,suddenly Prince Charming was no longer important to her,he became like a disposable object.
Prince Charming never knew what happened to him,he didn`t know how he got there and who were the people surrounding him.The only memory in his mind was the face of Princess Nade in that dinning room next to the Ogre.He had to do something,he had to try one more time to gain the princess` heart and explain why he didn`t write to her during the war.So he took a horse from the stables and rode back to the castle, leaving behind Bony-Legs and Arthur forever.
It was midnight,fall was settling down on the kingdom.Princess Nade loved this season,the colors,the fresh smell in the air and the memory of that first night when she met Prince Charming. She was alone in her room,arranging in the vase the last flowers from the garden. The Ogre was away,like he always did these days,he was at a carriage auction in a nearby kingdom.
Princess Nade was ready to go to bed when she heard a soft knock at her window.
"-Who could that be?At this time in night?",she said to herself
The next thought in her mind was that she was dreaming,the person in front of her couldn`t be real...Prince Charming was standing on her balcony,looking at her with those soft sparkly eyes that she knew best.
They didn`t need words,their eyes spoke for them. They knew they belonged together,they were fooling themselves to think something else.
"-Come with me",said Prince Charming.
"-But what about the Ogre,the kingdom?",Princess Nade said frightened.
"-You don`t love the Ogre and the kingdom can survive without you,the war is over, we are no longer threatened...we can come back after a while,when the king realizes what king of a man the Ogre is. We need this time alone,we`ve been apart for too long.",he said embracing her softly.
They ran away together,with nothing but their love for each other and the soft autumn sun rising in front of them.
The stories about their love have traveled all the kingdoms,everybody knew how their love didn`t fell apart despite the obstacles.
The stories of two souls united as one.
Foarte frumoasa povestea :) Imi aduce aminte de o zicala "What's meant to be will always find its way"
Thanks a lot>:D<...am scris-o dupa povestea reala a celei mai bune prietene ale mele;))...
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