Okay,I haven`t written a while( a long time I would say),but I was kind of adjusting with the new changes in my life,moving out from home in a different country,trying to cope with life on my own..and so on and so forth.
In between those things I mentioned,something happened..recently and that made me want to change my life a little bit(again).It has nothing to do with changing location,jobs,countries or anything...it has to do with heart(I know,i haven`t written anything for months and I`m coming back with a good old heart/love story,but this one is different),a heartbroken-type of story.
This one it has to do with friendship...I`m sure you all have a best-friend,someone you share everything with:the darkest secrets,the most embarrassing moments,first kiss,The first time...you get the idea.Well I had someone like that as well...or so I thought.She knew everything about me,she was the one I moved countries with,the one that I shared my grief about how much I miss my family,we shared everything,starting with food and ending with the deepest thoughts....
Until she betrayed me...I entrusted her with something and she betrayed me.First I felt rage,fury and now I feel nothing for her,not even fury....she became one of the others.And now I think to myself, whom do we have to trust in life if even our best-friend betrays us and takes advantage of us,of our trust and love...
Maybe I will forgive her someday,but I will never forget what she did,how she took advantage of me and for now I`m trying to change myself,I promised to myself that I will never let someone treat me like that,I was nobody for her,she used me,I feel used...
It`s time for changes!!!Time for a new ME!!!
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