1. Ai vreun animal?/Do you have any pets?
Dap,am chiar 3 de altfel...3 catei.Doua cateluse caniche: Jessy si Maya si un caine-lup: Whiskey.I love all of them very much and I miss them like hell:(/Yep,I have 3 actually...3 doggies.Two little curly girls:Jessy and Maya and a wolf-dog:Whiskey.
2. Numeste trei lucruri care se află acum lângă tine./Name 3 things that are beside you.
Telefonul,geanta si un caiet.:)/My phone,my bag and a notebook.
3. Cum e vremea afară în momentul acesta?/How`s the weather like outside right now?
London weather...always the same:))
4. Conduci?/Do you drive?
5. La ce oră te-ai trezit azi dimineată?/What time did you wake up in the morning?
La 6:45 ca sa ajung in timp la facultate./At 6:45 am to get to Uni in time.
6. Când ai făcut ultima oară dus?/When did you last shower?
Aseara inainte de somn:D/Last night before I went to sleep.
7. Care a fost ultimul film pe care l-ai vizionat?/What was the last movie that you watched?
"The Rite"(pentru a doua oara)/"The Rite"(for the second time)
8. Ce scrie în ultimul mesaj trimis?/What did you write in the last text message?
"Acum ma gandeam pana la cat sa stau:)))...crek pana la 2 si dupaia plec..."/"I was just thinking until what time should I stay here:))...I think until 2 and then I`m just gonna go..." nothing interesting:))
9. Ce ton muzical ai la telefon?/What ringtone do you have?
Jamie Woon-Shoulda(Sammy Chelly Remix)
10. Ai vizitat altă tară?/Did you visit any other countries?
Da,Ungaria,Austria,Cehia,Italia(desi nu se prea pune asta ca a fost o vizita de cateva ore pana la urmatorul zbor..am vazut un orasel de langa aeroportul Fiumicino) si momentan sunt la facultate in Londra,deci si Anglia:)/Yes,Hungary,Austria,Chech Republic,Italy(even if it was only for a few hours until my next flight...I just saw a small town near Fiumicino airport) and at the moment I am studying in London,so UK as well:)
11. Îti place sushi?/Do you like sushi?
Nu am incercat inca...dar este o chestie pe care o vreau sa o fac pe viitor:)/I haven`t tried it yet..but is something that I want to do in the future.
12. De unde iti faci cumparaturile?/Where do you do your shopping?
Morrisons si Lidl/Morrisons and Lidl
13. Iei medicamente ca să poti să adormi?/Do you take pills to help you fall asleep?
14. Câti frati ai?/How many siblings do you have?
O surioara mai mica Maria de care imi e foaaaarte dor:(/A little sister named Maria whom I miss veeeery much right now.
15. Ai laptop sau desktop?/Do you have a laptop or a desktop?
16. Câti ani o să împlinesti la următoarea aniversare?/How old will you be on your next birthday?
17. Porti lentile de contact?/Do you wear contact lenses?
18. Îti vopsesti părul?/Do you dye your hair?
Nu,dar in ultima vreme ma bate gandul sa mi-l vopsesc...still afraid thought:))/No,but lateley I`ve been thinking a lot about it...still afraid thought.
19. Povesteste-mi ceva ce plănuiesti să faci astăzi./Tell me something that you plan to do today.
Well...momentan sunt la facultate si dupa aceea nu o sa fac nimic interesant...merg acasa,poate putina curatenie si in rest relaxare cat mai multa ca am nevoie:)/Well...at the moment I am at Uni and afterwards I won`t do anything interesting...just go home,maybe do some tidying and then relax as much as I can because I need it.
20. Când ai plâns ultima oară?/When did you las cry?
In ultima vreme am plans cam des...cred ca acum 2 zile./Lately I`ve been crying a lot...so,I think it was 2 days ago.
21. Care este topping-ul preferat pe pizza?/What`s your favourite pizza topping?
Aaa...mi de obicei imi place pizza cu de toate pe ea:))...dar cred ca mozarella./weeell...I usually have it with everything:))..but I guess mozarella.
22. Ce preferi: hamburgerii sau cheesseburgerii?/What do you prefer:hamburgers or cheeseburgers?
Cheesseburgerii cred dar de obicei mananc McChicken sau orice e cu pui :)/Cheeseburgers I guess,but usually I have the McChicken or anything with chicken:)
23. Ai stat vreodată toată noaptea trează?/Did you ever stay up all night?
Dap...dar depinde cum o iei pe asta...poate sa fie aiurea,ca ai stat treaz din cauza unor probleme sau ca ai fost la un party si ai petrecut toata noaptea:))./yeah...but depends how you put it,you could have been up all night because of some problems or because you`ve been partying all night.
24. Ce culoare au ochii tăi?/What colour are your eyes?
Verzi-albastrui....depinde de lumina si de anotimp:)),au fost si gri :P/Blueish-green...depindes on the light and the season as well,they`ve been grey as well:))
25. Poti să simti diferenta de gust între Pepsi si Coca-Cola?/Can you tell the difference between Pepsi and Coke?
Eu zic ca da,dar nu am facut niciodata un test cu ochii inchisi si apoi sa le numesc pe fiecare...as zice ca Pepsi e putin mai dulce.../I would say that I do,but I haven`t tested myself with my eyes closed and then name each of them...I`d say Pepsi it`s a bit sweeter than Coke.
Stiu ca sunt boring ca am revenit dupa atat timp cu asa ceva,dar din lipsa de inspiratie eu zic ca e buna si asta:D
Tag-ul merge mai departe la cine vrea sa il ia:D
I know that I am boring by coming back after so much time with something like this,but because of lack of inspiration I`d say this is goos as well.
The tag goes to whoever wants to take it:D.